Group Coaching

Group coaching benefits team members by improving their capacity to promote systems and strategic thinking. Through our process your people will build proficiency in reflection, reframing, questioning, problem-solving, planning, and time management.

What is Group Coaching?

Group Coaching is a powerful and effective coaching technique for working with a group of people to improve their productivity, wellbeing, personal strengths, self-efficacy, leadership qualities, team building, and customer service.

What is the main aim of Group Coaching?

Increases problem-solving, planning, and teamwork skills. Builds deeper relationships and connections through a common experience. We intend to increase team member's sense of accountability as the peer group and lead coach will be soliciting updates on problems being tackled, new ideas implemented, and milestones achieved against desired goals.

“According to Senior Leadership Teams: What It Takes to Make Them Great, of 120 leadership teams studied across the globe, 42% performed poorly, 37% delivered mediocre performance and only 21% delivered outstanding results. As our clients' needs and work contexts have shifted (as it has over the last 15 years), so too has the coaching profession. A clear need for team coaching has emerged, and so the science of group/team psychology and coaching teams is heating up.” Results-Focused Team Coaching Is The Future Of Work, Forbes 2020"

man executive coaching

Cohort Model

Participants start and finish on the same days, and work through the steps as one cohort. The Cohort program should last between 8 to 12 weeks and include:

What are the benefits of Group Coaching
for your organization?

Shared wisdom of the group
Working toward common goals in a structured, step-by-step program
Fixed timings that are easier to manage and plan around
Increased awareness of psychodynamic processes within a group
Improved conflict resolution
Heightened emotional intelligence

Our Process

Step One: Defining Success and Objectives

Conduct a sponsor team meeting to discuss expected outcomes. Together, define strategic and team goals. Develop a Team Charter to clarify expectations.

Step Two: Relationship Building and Data Gathering

Participate in the Team Development and Needs Assessment.

Step Three: Data Debrief and Behavior Coaching

Identify and Establish Goals. 2 scheduled calls per month (50 minutes each). Each session concludes with an actionable commitment and specific areas for follow-up. Coach will be available to strategize on interactions, communications, and interpersonal relations.

Step Four: Transition and Sustainability

Revisit goals. Create a formal, written action plan. Review and coordinate with the sponsor.

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